Our team needs your support to complete this game!
What's Different About Dirty Fighter 3?
We take great pride in listening to our fans, and now we want to deliver it! Here are some of things we would like to put in the 3rd game!

Finishing Moves
There's nothing like ripping off your opponent's balls after a good fight!
More Characters
We would like to add at least a dozen more sexy fighters!
More Moves
More moves, more impacts, and more hits below the belt!
Better Animations
We admit, we were new to the dev platform with DF2, but now we have it locked down!
More Audio
Who wants to hear the same old taunts over and over? We want the sexy fighters to really speak their minds!
Sexy Physics
Yup, we figured out how to make those sexy boobies jiggle around using real life physics!
Additional Game-play
We thought it would be fun to add a little more to the game than just mindless fighting!

Lastly, we would just like to say that we would be super happy if you supported us! We believe that together we can make an outstanding fighting game! Please help our team so we can contiune to do what we love!
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